Tuesday 30 October 2012

The grand finale. Abingdon 2012

Well,this has been a long one. Here is the final part of my biggest challenge to date.

So Marcin has decided to tootle off ahead. He is still smiling as  By Eck has revealed  where she puts her Shot Blocks when she runs.
We are now last but we don't care. To see By Eck jumping to her feet and point blank refusing to get in the van just makes me realise the strength of the Human Spirit and shows how sheer guts and determination can get you through anything. This has now become more about friendships than good finish times.

Bike Girl has become By Ecks Angel in disguise. She is amazing and is chatting about her life,which I must admit seems a very tough one. She leaves after a little while but By Eck doesn't want her to go. I dont think Bike Girl realises the impact she has had on my friend.

We are walking at quite a pace now but as most of the spectators have gone it feels like we are just out for a Sunday bimble around the streets. Its freezing cold and makes me realise how hard we were working when we were running. Mr Van man is still around and his friend (who we now know as Andy) has decided he will walk the last few miles with us. Course support should have stopped by now but I am warmed by the fact that so many have stayed to wave us through. I made sure I thanked them all in the earlier miles and now find myself apologising for taking so long. Standing in the freezing colds for over 5 hours so that people like me can race is no mean feat and these guys have just been the best ever.

Coming back through the town and By Eck is chatting happily to Andy. I am quite happy to walk ahead slightly as for once I don't have the ability to join in the conversation. I must admit though that my hips are killing me and I have to keep hunching over as if I am going to be ill. Im sure this concerns a few but its the only way I can ease the pain. Andy sees the van parked up and decides that we should look like a pair of oven ready Turkeys,yep the space blankets have come out. I struggle to get mine out of the packet,gosh those things are so noisy. Finally I am all cosy but am rustling like mad. Poor Andy is struggling to hear now with us two making such a racket. I am so thankful though as now its nice and warm. We plod on past the 24 mile marker and yet again the Marshall's are still there waiting. Okay some have gone but who could blame them. I find myself saying sorry more times than I have ever said in my life,yet people are still smiling at us an encouraging us to keep going. I suddenly realise that we ARE really guna do this and the familiar lump rises again in my throat.

Coming back up to Tilsley park now and desperate to see that track and the end. We are taken on a very windy path which seems to be never ending. Van man has now joined us with his Walkey Talkey and I feel like a celeb being snuck into an exclusive club. This feeling is immense and even though they are taking all the ropes in, I am starting to feel EPIC. This is slightly spoilt by the massive muddy puddle. I am gutted as I don't want to get my new shoosies filthy but suddenly  I don't care cos I can see my Hubby smiling at me an willing me on those last few steps. Loula's Hubby is there too and we break into a run with both of them running with us. this is just amazing and something I will never forget.

Just as we are about to hit the track a guy tells us we have to take our space blankets off for the pics,awwwww boo, I reckon that would have made a fab piccie with those billowing behind us. I throw my bottle belt and Mr Loula and we start to pick up speed. The last 300m is unreal. We break into a fast paced run which is unbelievable after going nearly 26 miles. By Eck's Daughter has now joined us for the last 100m and the emotion is coming out. the CRAC supporters are shouting and cheering, By Eck is now back in support mode and tells me to keep running and WOW OMgosh we just ran a Marathon.
The feeling is unreal and I cant stop smiling. Hubby is there with a massive hug and By Eck falls into her Hubbys arms,its all to much and the tears flow.

Our team mates are already waiting after having done amazing times. All are well under the 5 hour mark. We are just so pleased that we all made it and after lots and lots of Hugs and more piccies,we head off to the clubhouse for ................you guessed it............ CAKE.

We kind of took over the foyer of the club. Chilli and her Hubby and fours Girls, Loula her Hubby and Daughter, Matt and his lovely Wife with their little one, Our Rocker and By Eck her Hubby and their two kids,oh and my lovely Hubby all chatting and eating cake with our medals glinting away. The cakes are all on the tables and people are asking what we are doing and what did we run for. This is brilliant as we have been noticed.

More piccies and a very special gift from Franny who sadly couldn't make it. She had got us some very special medals with our Forum names on. It was so lovely with all the kids happy and so well behaved but then the lights went off and we realised it was time to vacate and go home.

We all waked back to our cars weary but feeling amazing. We had all just done something unreal helped by our loved ones and best of all we now had a Bond that no one could break.

My fabby cake my Daughter made when I got home.


We are the CRAC team and there is no stopping us.

Well thats it. My second official race of my "40 before 40" and the best yet. I'm not sure anything will top this one.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Abingdon part 3.

So By Eck's fab idea is to pick a point in the distance and run to it,then when we get there we can have a little walk. It sounds simple but its so effective when you have all but given up. She keeps telling me, You can do it, on the running bits and I suddenly think I may just do this.

We get to the corner where the Fast runners can go ahead but those on first lap have to go left which is so difficult when you are a slower one but not to worry as the CRAC support crew are on the Corner cheering us on. Hubby is there and I have to stop and give him a hug. He has been so supportive of all my running even though he has to drive for miles and spend hours standing around in either boiling heat or freezing cold,rainy conditions and  has been bitten by bugs when I have volunteered him for marshaling at Kingsbury water park races.. I don't know how I would do it without him.

 Loula and Rocker heading for mile 15.

 Chilli and Matt coming up to 15 looking relaxed.
By Eck and me heading for the same point.

So this is it,we are heading for the 15 marker and this time its for us. Yep we ARE guna do this.

We are now steaming ahead and have actually managed to pass a few people at the water station just after mile 17. Van man and his friend are keep appearing and wishing us well. It a comfort but also a worry as we don't want to end up in there. It is about 18 miles when we come across Marcin. He is having a really tough time so we ask him to join us. He is lovely and asks me if my Husband is running as he has seen a similar shirt go past. I explain all about the CRAC team and how we have 6 running today.This is fab though as it means we have been noticed.

Now one thing that has been worrying me on this run is that there was a cut off time. If you didn't get to the 20 mile mark by 4h 20 Min's you would be taken off the course. I think this was the worry for a lot of us slower ones but here was 19 miles and we were still well under that time. the next mile was a struggle as it was through an industrial estate that we have already done a lap of. Being a low key race course support is thin on the ground so at times its very lonely although the few people we saw were really encouraging then just as we were rounding the corner for mile 20 there was Mick n Phil shouting at us to keep going  which was such a boost. The guy who had earlier offered us Beer was now a very welcome site as there was water ahead and only 6.2 miles to go. Yet again the support from the volunteers was just unbelievable and without them it would have been so much harder.

21-22 miles went without to many problems except now my back was staring to hurt from being on the move for over 4 hours. By Eck and Marcin were struggling with cramp so we took a little breather to get them sorted.

22-23 miles and I noticed By Eck had dropped back a little. She had been right beside me and the driving force so I was concerned and as I turned I saw her wobble slightly. She was on the verge of collapse so we started to do a slow walk together. Marcin with one arm and I with the other.

At 23 she could carry on no more and went to the ground. I called for help as I was really worried now. I was convinced this was the end of her race. Within seconds a wonderful lady on a bike had come out of nowhere with a  Banana and dried Apricots. By Eck ate these and took some water. I must admit I was glad of a bit of a sit down. Van man wanted her to get in with a promise of a space blanket and a Mars bar  but she was having none of it and got to her feet.

Part 4 after I have prised my Girls apart who seem to be fighting over who cooks dinner.

CRAC kers at Abingdon pt 2

Right,here goes with part 2

 5 miles in saw us running through a lovely town with a gorgeous Church. The spire was huge from our viewpoint and just took my breath away. The Marshall saw our reaction and said "its beautiful isn't it" Past the church and along the river which again was just a "WOW moment. Sadly those lovely views didn't last long and as we headed towards 6 miles we hit normal roads with lots of houses which looked dreary in comparison.

Now the thing about a 2 lap course is that you are teased by the mile markers.Seeing the 6 mile mark with the 15 just behind was just too much. The Marshall saw our faces and quickly stepped in front so that we couldn't see it. It was just one more indication of just how far we still had to go.

By Eck and I were still happily chatting but I was feeling a tad weary. The doubts were there again and By Eck was starting to move ahead. I think at this point there were still 2 runners behind us but they were catching up.

I think it was about 6.5 miles when we saw a lady who had been well in front suddenly  stop. She was really ill and nearly caught By Ecks shoes as she ran past. The Marshall went over to help as she had crashed. I just remember thinking "I am not at that stage yet,I need to keep going"

We saw a couple of runners in the distance that were holding something which turned out to be a Dog toy,you know the ones you hold and the dog grabs the other and and pulls like mad. It turns out the the guy is Blind but yep,he is running a Marathon and has been doing tonnes of them. I ask how many more he is doing and he shouts "I still have 6 to go" Wow oh Wow, I have one piddly Marathon in a year and I cant even seem to managed  that.

By Eck by now was gaining speed but I just couldn't seem to catch her up so I just kept plodding at a pace I was comfy with. I was still struggling with my head. It kept saying that "you cant do this,you are going to fail" I was getting quite emotional now and thinking too much about how far I had to go. I was trying to use a Tip from a forum thread that said "think of how far you have come in a %. This really worked up to a point and I was desperate to get back to this train of thought.

7 miles in and we the Sponge station. The sight of people wrist deep in freezing water filled sponges remind me of a "Soak the Teacher" at a School Fayre. I joke to the marshall "are we the moving targets" which makes her smile. Thankfully no sponges were thrown and the water is welcome as I am starting to get warm. I have to say at this point that the Marshall's were just amazing.

8-9 miles and I have had it. My head is still screaming at me to stop "you will never make it You are not worthy" Grrrrrrrrrrrrr I could slap myself sometimes for being such a wuss when it comes to endurance. Van man from earlier has now got out of his van and is asking if I am okay. He is so lovely and I have forgotten his earlier pushes to run faster (turns out its very hard to keep a van moving at 3 miles an hour) I actually tell him I may have to stop in a bit. I think part of it is because I read something about Marathons that said "if you are struggling at 16 then that's normal,if you are struggling at 10 then you can forget it" I wonder what struggling from 6 miles meant, probably "stay on the Settee and eat cake cos you never guna make it.

I don't know how but I plod on. I keep thinking of the team and wondering how they are doing. I know that they have dragged themselves from injury and sick beds to come and help me raise money. I cant let them down and be the only one who took the easy option.

10 miles in and the 2 people who were behind now pass me. The guy offers me a Chuddy Gum in the shape of a golf ball. I politely refuse as they make me Gag but its little thing like that which make me want to carry on.

11 miles now and the Marshall offers us Beer,(winking smiley) but am gutted when he say he is just kidding and its only a water station. I reckon they should give you a bit of something Alcoholic if you are crazy enough to run a Marathon.

12-13 miles in and I am last. The super fast runners are now passing us which can be quite daunting when you are as slow as me but this time it was to be something wonderful. Hitting a lovely wooded area I moved to the side as by now the fast ones were coming thick and fast. I have lost count of how many said "Well done" to me and "you are doing well,keep going"

I wonder if it was the pic of my Son on my back which made them chivvy me along in this way but whatever it was it had me with such a lump. The guy who patted me on the back  had me in bits with just 3 words "You're a Credit" and yep the tears were right there stinging my eyes.

My head by now was all over the place

How can I be a credit when I have been wanting to give up since 7 miles. How can I be a Credit if I am the only one who catches the Loser Bus. I carry on with the Marshall behind me offering encouraging words and just when I feel I need that last little push to go on, I see who was to become my Savior,  Our By Eck.

Part 3 in a bit.

Friday 26 October 2012

Going CRACkers at Abingdon.Pt 1

Well last week saw me attempting my first ever Marathon with the CRAC team. Before I go on I need to tell you a little about this amazing group of online running buddies who have got me through some very tough times in the last couple of years.

I had been chatting to this  fab group of people online and they all knew about Cameron and my fundraising and a few had said they would like to do a race and get some money for the cause. We had all come together because of a love of Running and Cake and so Cake Runners AC was born. The original team was D.J, who also gives us fab advice and a Tune of the day,the ever Glam Loula who just looks amazing even after 50 mile races, Superfit Tom, lovely generous and kind Chilli, Beermatt and his now famous running flip flops, the lovely and very kind Franny and last but not least our By Eck who has such determination its unreal oh and of course Me.

Sadly D.J had to drop out and was gutted but Rocker who hates road running offered to take his place. D.J gave his place for free but asked for the fee to be donated which was just so lovely of him. Sadly then our Lovely Franny got badly injured and also had to give it a miss. We were all gutted as we knew how much she wanted to take part but her health was far more important. Poor Tom had to miss too as he was unwell so that left 6.

So the night before the race me and Hubby travelled to a little hotel called the Oxfordshire inn to stay over. Mum had the kids as they refused to come and wait around forever for me to finish. It was a lovely place but I couldn't sleep as I was just too nervous. We woke early to travel to where the race was about to start and headed to the local Macdonalds for breccy.It was such a dark cold and foggy morning and I was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea. My head was all over the place and the doubt had set in.

I got my Bottle belt ready and my Number and we headed off on the 10 min walk to where the start lines was at Tilsley park athletics track. I knew what my fellow runners looked like from pics but was worried I would miss them in the crowd of people. I soon got a txt that Loula Chilli and Rocker were making their way into the park with their Hubby's and Children and then there was By Eck running towards me. It was hugs all round as I was just so pleased to meet them at last. I am not sure they will ever know how much this all meant to me.

Now I had got some shirts printed with forum names which should have been simple. I got everyone to send me shirts that they felt comfy running in. I only had to do 5 of them but I still managed to mix 2 of them up so By Eck had to be Chilli for the day and visa versa. Rocker is the one with his club shirt and Loula is the one with the 6 pack.

Anyway lots of hugs and piccies and we were ushered off to the start line (Loula's Hubby was getting messages from our forum support crew who were all willing us on). I must admit I was really scared by this point. I had never done a Marathon and as I had only got to 18.5 miles in training,I just couldn't see where those extra miles were going to come from. Heading to the line and I see the Legendary Mick n Phil. I have been wanting to meet these guys for ages. Mick has a love of Running but his wife was struggling to look after their severely disabled son while he pounded the streets. Micks solution was to take Phil with him and push his wheelchair. Phil loves being out with his Dad and now have done so many runs that they spend their time encouraging others. I am in awe of the strength and sheer devotion. I even got to shake their hands which was just an Honour.

By Eck and I have decided that we are going to run together and Matt and Chilli seem to be pairing off too with Loula and Rocker out at the front then all too soon BANG and its time to go.

I have an idea of doing 11 min mile pace. I am too scared to push faster as I still have very bad memories of my first HM where I was so bad I was waiting for the Ambulance to come and pick me up. I made it to the end  but it has scarred me for life.

Rocker and Loula have gone off all speedy and Chilli and Matt are just in front as we make our way out of the park and up the main road. Part of the race has roads closed off which is great but the Sweep vehicle is right behind us and revving his engines trying to speed us up.

We are now doing 10.5 min miles and I am starting to get worried. there is no way I can keep this up and I just wish he would bog off. Past the poor Turkeys all waiting for Christmas(mmmmm I love roast Turkey) and off the road and onto a lovely country lane. We are soon coming up to 3 miles and the Van has gone. I cant help thinking that we still have 23 miles to go and my head tells me that I will never make it. Luckily By Eck is fab company and the next few miles fly by.

Abo part 2 tomorrow.........

Monday 15 October 2012

A bit of exposure at the Tamworth 10k

Well,Sunday saw the first of my organised races of my "40 before 40". Just to recap, I decided to do as many organised  races as I could with at least 13.1 milers each weekend to fill in the gaps for 40 weeks and no fewer than 400 miles. So far I have done a 14.38 miler  a 16.50 miler and an 18.54.

Tamworth 10k is a 2 lap route around the Castle grounds,along the canal to Fazeley and back round past Ventura park shopping centre. Its very flat and a brilliant course for a Pb.

Right anyway,enough of the boring bit,back to Sunday.

 I woke up to glorious sunshine early Sunday after an evening of homemade curry and red wine. I'm sure I read that the red stuff was good for running (although that could have been one of my dreams). It does seem to work though and some of my best races have been fuelled by Chinese takeaway and Vino although never  on the morning as that could be quite bad.

So I had my breccy of Pancakes with choccy spread and I was good to go. I got there early as Hubby had to drop me off and go. I felt quite strange without my support crew so I was just left wandering around like Billy no mates. It wasn't long though before I saw a few friendly faces.

First there was my friend  Juan who just the week before had taken part in the Chester Marathon. His lovely wife took this fab pic of us both just before we set off.

I managed to catch up with my lovely friends Amanda and Lisa too and after a few good lucks,5 loo trips and a warm up,we popped off to the start. I had been hoping to see one of my running group members Ian. He joins us at Tamworth AC where we lead a Beginners group and have such a brilliant group of amazing people.

We wait a couple of mins for the gun to go off,Juan gives me some last min tips to just enjoy it and take it easy as I have my Marathon next week and BANG we are off.
I start of a little quick at first and notice I am doing 9 min miles. I slow down as I don't want to crash and burn. Its such a lovely flat run and I am just getting into it when...............there goes Ian whizzing past. I am so proud as his running has come on brilliantly since joining our group just a couple of months ago.

I plod on quite nicely but I am getting very warm as I have my vest top and base layer underneath. I am starting to wish I has just gone with the vest. I feel too warm now and I am slowing down. The water station is coming up at 3 miles and I decide to take a little walk while I have a drink. I cant run with those plastic cups and drink at the same time as most of it goes up my nose. Suddenly I hear my name and as I squint to see where it's coming from I see Sue from My Fitness Family who has come down to support everyone. This spurs me on and I start running again although I am still boiling so at 3.5 miles I take the decision to De robe.

Now you would think that taking your top off mid run would  be easy,well you would be wrong. After wrestling with my vest top,scratching my nose on the safety pin and nearly ripping my number off I am still faced with trying to get the base layer off without giving everyone an eyeful.Timing was key but sadly the base layer was proving difficult and I looked like I was doing a Houdini. I was in serious danger of being in trouble for indecent exposure so after getting my arm stuck in the wrong hole of my vest I finally got myself decent. I wonder what the poor woman behind me must have thought. She did shift past me pretty quick after that. (green smiley face).

After all that I got back into my stride and was well into the second lap when I saw my Running buddy Sharon on her training run.( I don't think she had expected to get caught up in hundreds of runners going the opposite way)

Well into the second lap now and back onto the canal which I normally love but its full of puddles and I really don't want my shoosies to get wet and stink of wet doggy again so I have to do a lot of leaping over them. Feeling very good at 5 miles and coming up to the end I decide to speed up a bit. I was hoping to get under the hour but I can see the clock has just gone past it. I speed up anyway and charge for the end. I hear my name again and there is Ed from MFF cheering me . My friend Amanda is already at the end having got a fantastic Pb of 55 mins and is there to congratulate me too. Its support like this that makes races so worthwhile.

I am so pleased as I make it in 1h 46 seconds. I am so proud of my friends too who have all got amazing Pb's and all well under the hour.

A Banana and a quick massage later and off I pop to walk the 3 miles home. I look a bit of a Div in my long socks and shorts and I get some funny looks but I don't care because I have a lovely shiny Medal and a Wagon wheel in my good bag.

Sunday 7 October 2012

On the Norty step

Well,the week before last  was a bit of a disaster running wise. It all started on Thurs morning when the post arrived. On seeing what had been delivered I spat out my Dummy,threw my rattle and ended up on the Norty step for 39 mins. A sad looking Elvis was staring at me from the doormat with the words SORRY. I know I was probably being a tad childish (moi childish,I know that's hard to believe) but as it was my 3rd time unlucky I must admit I was slightly peeved.  What has a girl got to do to get a place  in the London Marathon arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway enough of that. I had planned to do a 20 miler that weekend but as my youngest Son had Church for Confirmation and Ikkle Cait had a Netball match so it just didn't happen.If I don't head out early doors then I have had it. I was so fed up of my lack of enthusiasm that I hit the Cake,Crisps and anything I could lay my hands on. I needed to get a grip and fast as at this point my first Marathon was only 3 weeks away.

Has anyone seen my Mojo

I have really been struggling with my Mojo as it keeps running away and hiding. Some days I just don't know where to look but after a couple of messages to My Fitness Family and a couple of great Circuit training sessions (someone remind me never to ask to "work like an eejit again) my Mojo is well and truly "Back in Da House", so with the Tamworth 10k coming up and my Abingdon Marathon I stop messing and start taking this seriously.

Right then enough waffle, back to today.

After a pre 20 mile tea of Fish Chips Sausage and Curry sauce (cos I need the calories) I wake early to a pre run breccy of pancakes and two cups of tea.  I decide to leave my drink at home as I can pop back to refuel as I have forgotten to get my gels and jelly babies and Malt loaf may get a bit squashed in my pocket.

I manage to get out for 7.15. Its so cool and misty,perfect conditions for a long run. I take it easy for the first few miles and decide to do a few laps of the lakes as Hubby and kids are going out and I don't want to go too far away from home in case I get into difficulty. I cant believe how peaceful it is and I just feel so lucky to be able to run.
I pass the new BMX course and as no-one is around I decide to run around it. I don't know if anyone has ever done this but its great fun although some of the little hilly bits can be tough to get up. I am left wondering if this was a good idea as I am only about 4 miles in and I seem to have used a good bit of energy.

I carry on and although I feel a little tired I manage to keep a good pace. My mind is wandering now though and thoughts of failure are creeping in. I decide to think about my blog and what I will put. I think about Abingdon and my team mates and how excited I am to meet them. I also think about the reason I am doing all of this in the first place and before I know it I have hit 9.5 miles and take my first fuel  break.

Getting back out is more  difficult than I thought. My legs are a little tired now and I wonder if I am going to make the 20. I chose a Hilly route to make it even harder as Abingdon is nice and flat so it should be easier on the day.

By 13 miles I am starting to get a bit bored of my laps so decide to run around the football pitch nearby. This is find to a point but the grass is so long an wet along one side that I come of making a very strange squelching noise. If you have ever seen the Father Ted episode where Father Doughal has his Sound Effects record,when Mrs Doyle leaves the room, with every step there is a very unpleasant sound well, that was me for the next mile. Luckily there were still very few people around. I stop off at home once more for more Malt loaf as I can feel myself flagging. I am at 14 miles now and I realise my fueling strategy has been pants.

By 16 miles I still feel good but then I am pounced on by a Dog. Now I understand animals can be unpredictable and the site of some loon running towards them usually means " I want to play" but would a Sorry have been so difficult.Don't get me wrong I don't ever expect anyone to move out of my way as I'm more than happy to weave round folk but Thanks to those lovely people who stopped and moved over for me and the Dog owners who waited till I got past so their Dogs didn't fly at me.

I have now slowed to a walk and have decided that 20 is not going to happen but if I can get to at least 18 I should be okay. My legs are getting very achy now although I feel fine. I manage to make it to 18.54 on my Garmin before I finally give in and decide to pop into the local shop for a bag of ice for some torture. I also treat myself to a bag of salted nuts and a Snickers and head off home quite pleased that I got so far.

I shove the Kettle on and get my Bath of Torture ready. I have never tried this before so it should be fun. The house is empty as Hubby and Kids are out so no-one can film me or hear my screams.

  I lower myself into the freezing water and Oh My Chuffin Eck. My legs sear with pain and I am left with a face that could scare a big scary person.

Scroll down with caution.

  See not a pretty site and yes I do have a big Jumper on in the Bath. I didn't want the kids coming home and having to chip me out of a big block of ice.

 So anyway, I have rambled on for long enough. Thanks once again for reading this.