Saturday 27 October 2012

Abingdon part 3.

So By Eck's fab idea is to pick a point in the distance and run to it,then when we get there we can have a little walk. It sounds simple but its so effective when you have all but given up. She keeps telling me, You can do it, on the running bits and I suddenly think I may just do this.

We get to the corner where the Fast runners can go ahead but those on first lap have to go left which is so difficult when you are a slower one but not to worry as the CRAC support crew are on the Corner cheering us on. Hubby is there and I have to stop and give him a hug. He has been so supportive of all my running even though he has to drive for miles and spend hours standing around in either boiling heat or freezing cold,rainy conditions and  has been bitten by bugs when I have volunteered him for marshaling at Kingsbury water park races.. I don't know how I would do it without him.

 Loula and Rocker heading for mile 15.

 Chilli and Matt coming up to 15 looking relaxed.
By Eck and me heading for the same point.

So this is it,we are heading for the 15 marker and this time its for us. Yep we ARE guna do this.

We are now steaming ahead and have actually managed to pass a few people at the water station just after mile 17. Van man and his friend are keep appearing and wishing us well. It a comfort but also a worry as we don't want to end up in there. It is about 18 miles when we come across Marcin. He is having a really tough time so we ask him to join us. He is lovely and asks me if my Husband is running as he has seen a similar shirt go past. I explain all about the CRAC team and how we have 6 running today.This is fab though as it means we have been noticed.

Now one thing that has been worrying me on this run is that there was a cut off time. If you didn't get to the 20 mile mark by 4h 20 Min's you would be taken off the course. I think this was the worry for a lot of us slower ones but here was 19 miles and we were still well under that time. the next mile was a struggle as it was through an industrial estate that we have already done a lap of. Being a low key race course support is thin on the ground so at times its very lonely although the few people we saw were really encouraging then just as we were rounding the corner for mile 20 there was Mick n Phil shouting at us to keep going  which was such a boost. The guy who had earlier offered us Beer was now a very welcome site as there was water ahead and only 6.2 miles to go. Yet again the support from the volunteers was just unbelievable and without them it would have been so much harder.

21-22 miles went without to many problems except now my back was staring to hurt from being on the move for over 4 hours. By Eck and Marcin were struggling with cramp so we took a little breather to get them sorted.

22-23 miles and I noticed By Eck had dropped back a little. She had been right beside me and the driving force so I was concerned and as I turned I saw her wobble slightly. She was on the verge of collapse so we started to do a slow walk together. Marcin with one arm and I with the other.

At 23 she could carry on no more and went to the ground. I called for help as I was really worried now. I was convinced this was the end of her race. Within seconds a wonderful lady on a bike had come out of nowhere with a  Banana and dried Apricots. By Eck ate these and took some water. I must admit I was glad of a bit of a sit down. Van man wanted her to get in with a promise of a space blanket and a Mars bar  but she was having none of it and got to her feet.

Part 4 after I have prised my Girls apart who seem to be fighting over who cooks dinner.

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